Healthy Eating and DietInfo Center

Trade in the Blue for the Black
While blueberries and blackberries offer myriad health benefits, including high levels of antioxidants, prices can be prohibitively expensive. Black rice may offer a more affordable, comparatively healthful alternative.
The Universe is Expanding
Obesity rates have almost doubled in the past 30 years, according to a new study that looks at heart-disease risk factors and how those factors have changed during that time.
Bigger Babies, Bigger Lungs
The health of premature babies' lungs may get better with improved nutrition and weight gain, according to a study by University of Michigan researchers.
Trim Belly Fat to Remember More?
Older people with metabolic syndrome may be higher risk of memory loss, according to a new study from the French National Institute of Health Research.
Belt with a Death-Grip
A new study finds that residents of the nation's so-called stroke belt (southeastern states) also have higher-than-average deaths from heart failure.
Community Ties
Although past research has shown that children who grow up poor have an increased risk of developing health problems as adults, a new study has found that there is a good way to counter this.
Vegans Vexed?
Vegans -- individuals who don't eat animal products, including dairy -- may be prone to atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries, according to a new study.
Replenish Deliciously
New research from the American College of Sports Medicine indicates the best post-workout beverage for your muscles could be sitting around your refrigerator.
Fatter People, Longer Stays
Obesity contributes to many health complications. However, a new study by Spanish researchers suggests that obesity may not increase the risk of death among people with swine flu.
For decades now, watching lots of television has been linked to rising obesity rates. And now a researcher at the University of Minnesota is criticizing the device's increasing presence in restaurants.