Healthy Eating and DietInfo Center

A Sweet Way to Lower Diabetes Risk
Chocolate lovers may have one more reason to indulge their sweet tooth — chocolate may lower diabetes risk.
Keeping Off the Pounds May Add on the Years
Maintaining a healthy weight can take some work, but it can have a big payoff. Those who can keep the pounds off may live years longer than those who are overweight or obese.
Normal Weight Moms Had Healthier Babies
Being healthy doesn't just benefit you — it may benefit your child, too. Mothers-to-be who maintain a healthy weight may boost their child's health as well.
Mediterranean Diet: Good Health, Long Life
The Mediterranean diet — already known for its heart-health benefits — may make you live longer.
Don't 'Bypass' Exercise After Weight Loss Surgery
Having weight loss surgery can improve obese patients' health, but it isn't a fix-all for health problems tied to being obese. Exercise may improve these patients' overall health even more and lower their risk for diabetes.
Coffee Buzz May Keep Minds Sharp
Reducing your risk for Alzheimer’s may be as simple as enjoying a few cups of coffee each day.
Burning Off That Thanksgiving Meal
Feeling more stuffed than the turkey you ate entirely too much of on Thanksgiving? You're not alone, and you're not without ways to burn off some of those calories.
Thanksgiving Safety: From Prep to Leftovers
Can't wait to dive into that Thanksgiving feast? Well, hold on a moment. Whether you're cooking the meal or simply enjoying the leftovers the day after, there are some food safety tips you should know.
Tips for Healthier Thanksgiving Eating
It's almost an unspoken rule of Thanksgiving — you throw all dietary caution to the wind and eat way too much. But it doesn't have to be that way. You can still enjoy yourself, eat plenty and be healthy.
Extra Weight Tied to 500k Cancer Cases Each Year
People who think the extra pounds they carry around can't hurt them may want to think again. Being overweight may raise the risk for cancer, a new study suggests.