Healthy Eating and DietInfo Center
Calorie Counts Across the Nation
Soon, the calorie count in a quarter-pounder with cheese at your favorite restaurant chain will no longer be shrouded in mystery.
Yogurt May Help Prevent Diabetes
As the saying goes, an apple a day keeps the doctor away — but pairing that fruit with yogurt may keep diabetes away, too.
Jury Still Out on Vitamin D Screening
Knowing which medical screenings and tests are worthwhile can be difficult. The jury is still out on one such screening for a vitamin deficiency.
For Obese Kids, Health Problems May Start Early
As more children become obese, related health problems like nonalcoholic fatty liver disease may be putting their health at risk.
Healthy Parent, Healthy Child
Kids learn all sorts of things from their parents including healthy and unhealthy habits, suggest the authors of a new study.
Drop That Doughnut — It May Save Your Memory
Having trouble remembering things lately? Maybe you’re eating too many trans fats. Found in many fast foods, trans fats are already known to be bad for the heart. But they may harm your memory as well.
Famous Diet Options: What's the Difference?
Diet options for weight loss and heart health abound. But do some stand out from the rest? Not really, a recent study found.
Mother's Weight Tied to Future Child's Health
Could a mother's weight before pregnancy affect her future child's health? A new study suggests so.
Energy Drinks May Pose Real Risk to Kids
Energy drinks do give adults an extra jolt. The caffeine in these drinks can be 3x that of a cup of coffee. But that type of energy boost may be dangerous to children.
Eating Healthily May Improve Kidney Health
Healthy eating is tied to a wide range of health benefits, from heart health to a lowered risk for cancer. And new research suggests that eating less salt and more fresh foods may prevent kidney disease and benefit kidney disease patients.