Healthy Eating and DietInfo Center

Parents' Weight Linked to Autism
The search for possible causes of autism has gone in a lot of different directions. But finding a link does not mean finding a cause.
Most People Seem to Be Eating Right Amount of Salt
Many diets stress the need to cut down on salt. But the average person’s salt consumption may already be in the ideal range, according to a new study.
Coffee Drinkers with Cirrhosis Lived Longer
A few cups of coffee every day may provide more than a boost to get through the day. That hot brew may also save lives, at least among a subset of people with cirrhosis of the liver, new research suggests.
Probiotics Didn’t Soothe Colicky Babies
Not being able to soothe a baby with colic, a condition in which the baby cries continually, can be frustrating. Would changing the baby’s diet would help prevent the colic?
Diet and Exercise to Stave off Diabetes and Death
For people with chronic high blood sugar, exercise and a healthy diet could delay or prevent diabetes. New research shows those interventions could even save lives.
Watching TV May Mean More Snacking For Kids
Spending a lot of time in front of a TV or computer screen can promote inactivity, especially in children. And inactivity may mean other unhealthy habits.
Diabetes in Pregnancy May Have Long-Term Effects on Kids
Diabetes during pregnancy can mean complications to the infant before and after birth. However, the long-term health issues these babies may face are not very clear.
Lowering Risk of Death with Fruits and Vegetables
An apple a day keeps the doctor away... and, according to a recent study, six more servings of fruit and vegetables could help you live longer.
Vision Loss Linked to Drinking, Smoking, Lifestyle
Lifestyle habits like tobacco and alcohol consumption along with level of physical activity have wide-reaching impacts on health.
Tipping the Weight Scales on Cesarean Odds
Being obese before pregnancy increases the odds for high blood pressure, diabetes and premature births, but the effect of weight gained during pregnancy may change a mother's plans for delivery.