Mens HealthInfo Center
Coping with Winter Allergies
It's winter and, just like clockwork, you’re back sniffling again. But before you write off that stuffy nose as just another cold, you may want to consider that the culprit could actually be winter allergies.
How an Online Trend Led to a Drug Shortage
There's a shortage of a life-saving type 2 diabetes drug. And a TikTok trend may be to blame.
The Prescription for a Happy Holiday
Getting ready to leave town for the holidays? Don't forget to consider your health when planning your trip.
Approved: First Fecal Microbiota Product
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved a type of product they've never approved before.
Naloxone Over the Counter?
Health officials are making moves that could make an overdose-preventing drug more easily accessible.
FDA Updates COVID Vaccine Boosters
Health officials in the United States are encouraging people to get bivalent COVID-19 vaccine boosters.
Scrub Your Hands to Protect Your Health
Dec. 5 through 11 is National Handwashing Awareness Week — the perfect time to remind everyone that keeping your hands clean is one of the most important ways to stay healthy.
Cooking Healthier Holiday Meals on a Budget
Eating a healthy diet is a challenge any time of the year, but around the holidays, it gets even harder. But with a few helpful tips, you can have a healthy holiday without breaking the bank.
Approved: First Gene Therapy for Hemophilia B
There's a new treatment for a serious bleeding disorder.
Colds vs. COVID vs. the Flu
The season is changing, and COVID-19 is still here. And with colder weather comes the threat of colds and the flu. But how can you tell the difference between the three?