Mens HealthInfo Center

COVID-19? Here Are Your Treatment Options
We talk a lot about COVID-19 prevention. But what about the treatments?
Avoiding Drug Drug Interactions: Here's How
A lot of us take multiple medications, often combining prescription and over-the-counter medicines with vitamins and herbal supplements.
Don't Fall For These Flu Shot Misconceptions
Myths about the flu shot are widespread, and these misconceptions often cause people to opt out of this important vaccine. 
UV Wands: Safe or Unsafe?
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issues warning regarding wands used to disinfect and kill germs.
How to Spot Scam Health Products
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is warning consumers about fake and even possibly harmful products.
FDA Approves First Treatment for Rare Genetic Disease
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the first treatment for a rare genetic disease.
The Rx That Slashes COVID Death Risk
An antiviral drug may cut the risk of dying from COVID-19 by 79 percent in older adults, according to a new study.
Monkeypox Testing: Everything You Need to Know
With the increase in monkeypox cases in the US, more and more questions arise, including questions about testing.
How to Curb Food Cravings
Cutting sugary, salty and fatty foods from your diet is a great way to improve your health. But what happens when the cravings strike?
How to Take an Active Role in Your Health
Taking an active role in your health and health care is one of the best ways to improve your health and health outcomes. But how, exactly, do you do that?