Mens HealthInfo Center

Do You Tell Your Doctor the Truth?
If you don't give an honest answer when your doctor asks you how much you exercise, you're not alone. Many people don't tell the truth to their doctors, according to a new study.

Coping with Winter Allergies
It’s getting chilly out and, just like clockwork, you’re back sniffling again. But before you write off that stuffy nose as just another cold, you may want to consider that the culprit could actually be winter allergies.

Concussions: What Are the Risks?
Concussions are more than just a blow to the head. They can have serious short- and long-term effects.

Working in the Cold: What You Need to Know
It's wintertime again — when temperatures take a dive. But don't let your health take a dive, too.

Tips to Prevent the Common Cold
Cold and flu season has arrived, but that doesn't have to mean you or your family will get sick. Outsmart germs with these simple strategies.

What Does Acid Reflux Have to Do with It?
Acid reflux may be the cause of your chronic cough.

Drinking More Water
One of the first steps to being healthy is being hydrated, but many adults are chronically dehydrated. Here's how to get more water in your day.

Halloween Safety Tips
Halloween is all about cool costumes, tons of candy, spooky haunted houses and trick-or-treating. So don't let potential dangers get in the way of all the fun.

Healthy Holiday Swaps
As the holidays approach, our diets start to get a lot less healthy. But with a few simple food swaps, you can add a little nutrition back into your holiday meals.

Lead Poisoning: What You Need to Know
Around 3.6 million families in the United States are at risk of exposure to lead, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Here's what you need to know.