Health News
Vitamin D for Diabetic Arteries?
Heart disease is a common complication of diabetes. Vitamin D may play a role in the development of clogged arteries, which can lead to heart disease.
AS Medication Didn't Change Heart Risks
A long term disease named Ankylosing Spondylitis has been linked to a higher risk of cardiovascular problems. A number of factors could be responsible for this increased risk, including the drugs used to treat this painful condition.
Syndrome Affects Vision But Not Eyesight
Imagine being able to see an object, but not be able to reach for it, identify it or understand it in context of its surroundings. For those living with Balint’s syndrome, this is an everyday reality that changes their entire way of life.
Kids With Kidney Disease Face Adult Problem
Kidney disease can take a toll on your heart and blood vessels. If you add obesity or high blood pressure to the mix, the cardiovascular risk grows even more. Even kids with kidney disease can face very adult complications.
Smoking Thickens Teen Arteries
Teenagers may think they are invincible to the harms from smoking, but new science shows differently. What can be done to get out the message that any smoking is harmful?
Original Moon-Walker, Neil Armstrong, Dies
The man who inspired millions to literally reach for the stars by taking the first human step on the moon, Neil Armstrong, has died.
Low "Good" Cholesterol Bad in Diabetes
If you have diabetes, you could end up having problems in many parts of the body, including the heart, kidneys or eyes. If you want to protect yourself against these problems, you may need to keep a closer eye on your cholesterol.
Stents for Diabetes?
Narrowed blood vessels can be treated using stents - a sort of scaffolding that widens the vessels. There are different types of stents, each working slightly differently. So, which type works best in diabetes patients?
Bypass Technique Linked to Fewer Complications
A less invasive technique for harvesting leg veins for use in coronary artery bypass surgery has been found safe. This new procedure also appears to result in fewer wound complications such as infections.
Fatty Liver and More May Harden Arteries
Your heart and blood health can have a huge impact on the health of other bodily systems. Similarly, your heart health can be affected by the health of other organs, including your liver.