Health News

Vision Loss Linked to Drinking, Smoking, Lifestyle
Lifestyle habits like tobacco and alcohol consumption along with level of physical activity have wide-reaching impacts on health.
Too Little Sleep Linked to Diabetes and Obesity
Sometimes, we take sleep for granted. But getting a good night’s sleep can be key to maintaining a healthy metabolism and preventing diabetes and obesity.
Reasons Why Your Head Hurts
Knowing the cause of a headache helps people decide what course to take to get rid of that headache. So, here’s a list of possible explanations for a headache.
America's Happiest and Healthiest States
Health and happiness are usually terms reserved for individuals, yet there is no denying that location can play a role in these traits. Here’s a list of the happiest and healthiest states.
Diet in Midlife Affects Dementia Risk
The food choices made in midlife could have a profound impact as people age. A healthier diet high in fruits and veggies may help prevent future decline in brain function.
Lifestyle Now May Affect Colon Cancer Survival Later
Healthy diet and lifestyle choices reduce the risk for many diseases. What effect these pre-diagnosis choices have on survival after colon and rectal cancer has become clearer.
Energy Drinks Tied to Teen Troubles
Energy drinks are intended to give you a boost, but a new study tied energy drink consumption in teens to a number of negative issues, including depression.
Health Benefits of Friendship
Having a social safety net of friends and family provides innumerable benefits that affect your well-being. Here are some ways that having strong relationships can influence your health.
Tips to Wake Up Beautiful
We can't always look like a million bucks first thing in the morning, but these tips can help you wake up on the right side of the bed. #IWokeUpLikeThis
How to Break Bad Eating Habits
Do you find yourself eating out more than you should? Are you trying to break your bad eating habits? Check out these tips for a bit of motivation!