Health News

Retiring to Excessive Drinking
As people enter their senior years, they may not drink quite as much as they did in their wild and crazy youth. But many seniors still may drink more than they should, when it comes to their health.
Bariatric Surgery and Post-Op Pain Meds
Obesity doesn't just lead to conditions that can cause issues over time; it can also bring about daily pain in the body. This pain, often in the joints or the back, may lead some obese people to rely on certain pain medications — a topic explored in a new study.
Are Fish and Nuts Really Brain Boosters?
There has been talk for years that certain "brain foods" might help fend off dementia. Nuts and fatty fish containing omega-3 fatty acids are two of these supposed "brain foods."
Exercise for Depression: The Jury Is Still Out
It's not news that exercise can boost mood. But as far as helping with actual depression, exercise might not work as well as other methods to ease symptoms.
More Stress, More Pounds?
Past research has suggested that people from poorer backgrounds may have an increased risk of being obese. As researchers dive deeper into this relationship, they are finding that stress may play a role.
A Leg Up on Learning: Exercise, Study or Both?
Kids might rather be running around outside instead of preparing for that next test, but both play and study can help the brain. That is, physical fitness and quizzing could help the child learn better in the long run.
Increasing Quality of Life in the US
While there are a number of public health issues that still need to be fixed, there are signs that our overall health and quality of life is improving.
Active College Students Healthier, Happier
Physical activity is an important part of a healthy lifestyle for everyone. It is especially important for college students and young adults who are under stress.
Women Happier When They Gained Weight
Obesity is a global epidemic, affecting many populations around the world, as wellness professionals struggle to find solutions.  But do the solutions lead to happiness?  As women start to feel healthier, do they feel better?
Staying Fit to Fend off Illness
The risk for various health problems increases with age. But there are steps people can take to help minimize these risks, and exercise seems to be one of those steps.