Health News
Why Smokers Might Need to Watch Their Hearing
Smokers, if you need another reason to quit, here’s one that might surprise you: Quitting might save your hearing.
There's No Place Like Home — To Grow Old
For those in midlife, lifestyle choices made now may have a major impact on living long and staying independent later in life.
The Risks of Youth E-Cig Use
Experimenting is often how kids and teens learn. Experimenting with electronic cigarettes, however, may be risky.
Smoking and Weight Control: Misconceptions Abound
Do you believe smoking can help control your weight? If so, think again.
What Being Too Thin Might Do to Your Brain
The dangers of being too heavy are well-known, but does being too thin pose any risks? In fact, it could pose some risks to your mental health.
Tips for Living a Healthier Life
The amount of discussion these days about the best ways to be healthy can often feel more overwhelming than helpful, but some experts say it may be wise to focus on a few key areas.
Cancer Prevention: Progress and Problems
Controlling cancer requires multiple prevention strategies. The United States has made some notable progress in recent years, but there's still room for improvement.
These Factors May Raise Your Back Pain Risk
Lower back pain can be irritating at best and debilitating at worse. For some, simple lifestyle changes may make a huge difference.
Ovarian Problem May Have Other Health Effects
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and infertility have been well-known dance partners for many years. Now new evidence suggests that PCOS is also dancing with a lot of other chronic health issues.
New Report Ranks US States for Healthiness
The United Health Foundation today released its annual state health rankings. The states varied widely, and some national measures of health saw slight improvements.