Health News

Explaining Hormone Therapy to Soothe Menopause Symptoms
From stopping hot flashes to renewed sex drive, hormone therapy promises to turn back the hands of menopausal time, but is it both safe and effective?
FDA Likely to Address Risks of Surgical Mesh
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today issued two proposed orders to address the health risks associated with surgical mesh used for transvaginal repair of pelvic organ prolapse (POP).
Inducing Labor Didn't Raise C-Section Risk
Twenty percent of all births are the result of labor induction. This method is often thought to increase the risk of cesarean section, but this association might be an old wives' tale.
High Blood Pressure Can Seriously Affect Pregnancy
High blood pressure during pregnancy puts pressure on both the baby and the mom. At the moment, there has yet to be a consistent strategy for prenatal care in women with high blood pressure.
Possible Deadly Consequence of Obesity before Pregnancy
Being overweight has a wide range of health implications. One new study looked at how a pregnant women's weight may affect the child they carry.
Mom's Weight May Affect Her Child's Weight
Previous studies have shown that the amount of weight that women gain during pregnancy can significantly affect the baby's health. And it's possible that a child's health could be affected throughout childhood and beyond.
Early Ovary Removal Could Affect Your Eyes
Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness in the world. For women, the risk of glaucoma may even be related to estrogen levels.
Diabetes During Pregnancy can be Tough on Baby
Diabetes rates are rising, and so are the rates of pregnant women with diabetes. Improper care and poor monitoring of the condition could have health consequences for both mom and baby.
Considering Cervical Cancer Screenings
If cancer could actually be prevented through a routine screening, everyone would complete that screening, right? That is the idea behind cervical cancer screenings for women.
The Role of Gender in Mental Health
Mental health issues are quite common in America, with about 1 in 4 adults living with a diagnosable condition each year. While men and women have nearly identical overall rates of mental illness, there are noticeable gender differences in disease prevalence, course and outlook for certain mental conditions.