Health News

Deadly Consequences of Heavy Drinking Were Greater for Women
Many people like to relax after work with a drink or two. But for women, having a few too many can be a dangerous thing.
Mental Boost from Spending Time With Grandchildren
Many grandparents will tell you that caring for their grandchild gives them great joy. What they may not realize is how their minds are benefiting from the interaction.
Breast Cancer Treatment Had Lingering Health Effects
Women with breast cancer often receive radiation treatments and chemotherapy to fight their disease. In some women, those treatments might bring long-term health effects that aren’t so desirable.
Fertility Meds Didn't Cause Breast Cancer
Not all of the long-term impacts of fertility treatment are clear. But researchers have found reassuring evidence for those hoping to have a baby using such treatments.
Calcium Didn't Lead to Heart Disease
Previous studies have suggested that taking calcium supplements leads to an increased risk of heart disease. However, that may not be the case.
Vitamin D and Disease: Review of the Research
Vitamin D has been reported to decrease some bone diseases and reduce risk of other diseases like cancer and heart disease. But some of these claims may not be supported by research.
The More Babies, the Bigger Risk for Blocked Arteries
Pregnancy and giving birth can put a lot of stress on women's bodies. It's possible that mothers could have an increased risk of heart disease associated with pregnancy.
How Sex Affects Your Health
Sex is a complex topic that has many implications for both mental and physical health. Whether or not you are actively engaged in a sexual relationship, it is important to be knowledgeable about the various ways that sex can affect you. Here are some of the more significant ways that sex can benefit and complicate your health.
Preparing for Baby With Prenatal Screenings
Different options for prenatal screenings may be offered to pregnant women, often leaving moms-to-be with questions about what the tests are looking for and when they should be performed.
Weight Gain a Year After Giving Birth Can Lead to Health Risks
After having a baby, most women have a lot of things to think about. For some women, even a year after giving birth, one of those things may need to be weight loss.