Health News

New Facts are in: Fat is Fatal
Obesity continues to be linked to a number of diseases. Now it's shown to be a predictor of who does - and doesn't - survive breast cancer.
Drug Helps Prevent Breast Cancer
A drug currently being used to treat breast cancer has been shown to significantly reduce the risk of developing the disease. The aromatase inhibitor, Aromasin (exemestane), helps post-menopausal women avoid breast cancer altogether.
FDA Safety Alert: Women's Health
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is informing the public about new information that is being assessed as part of their ongoing safety review of birth control pills that contain drospirenone . This review will further evaluate the risk of blood clots in women who use these products.
Arthritis Drug may be Effective in Treating Cancer
Liver cancer isn't one of the more treatable cancers. That could be changing, though. Scientists have discovered that the common anti-inflammatory drug - Celebrex (celecoxib) - makes liver cancer cells commit suicide. This is just the latest finding showing that Celebrex may be useful in treating a number of different cancers.
Predicting may Lead to Preventing
Scientists have recently made progress in unraveling the mysteries of an aggressive form of breast cancer. A new enzyme has been discovered that's involved in the growth of a potentially deadly type of the disease.
Quit Smoking with Exercise
Are nicotine patches or nicotine gums not cutting it? Try exercising to curb your nicotine cravings. Research shows that you can improve your health by exercising regularly and you could quit smoking as well.
Beating the Baby Blues With Fish Oil
The omega-3s found in fish oil are known to be good for the heart and the brain. These healthy nutrients may be particularly healthful for moms-to-be.
Try Calcium and Vitamin D Supplements First
Have you or a loved one been diagnosed with osteoporosis? Try a different approach before accepting medication as your only choice.
New Promise in Preventing Cervical Cancer
Human papilloma virus (HPV) has long been known to be a primary cause of cervical cancer. Scientists have discovered that an existing drug can put the body's natural defense system into action to kill this virus before cancer develops.
It May Not be Ovarian Cancer Afterall
Cancer is a tricky disease. Researchers now believe that one form of ovarian cancer may start as a fallopian tube tumor. Findings from this new study may offer new hope in treating the disease.