Health News

Teen Moms: Start Your Day Off Right
Breakfast is an important and oft neglected meal for everyone. A new study reinforces the importance of this morning meal by showing that teen mothers who eat breakfast have healthier weights and snacking habits.
Battle of the Bloat
Researchers at the University of Cambridge are looking to the fruit fly to learn about human intestinal neurons and have uncovered some startling findings in the process.
Researchers Discover New Breast Cancer Culprit
When scientists identify concentrations of regulatory T cells (immune-system cells) in breast cancer tumors, it usually signifies an unfavorable prognosis. Now researchers have uncovered why.
More than PMS ...
Premenstrual mood shifts are associated with depressive symptoms and  bipolar disorder, according to a new study.
Resveratrol and Rapamycin: A Power Couple
Resveratrol, a compound found in red wine, may have a tumor-suppressing effect on breast cancer cells when combined with rapamycin, an immunosuppressant drug.
Fooled by Folic Acid?
According to a new study working with rat animal models, female offspring of rats who took folic acid supplements before conception, during pregnancy and while breast-feeding have twice the rate of breast cancer.
Pressure to Get the Lead Out
Even the smallest quantities of lead can affect the blood pressure of a pregnant woman, according to a recent study from researchers at the Johns Hopkins Hospital.
Breast Cancer Surgery May Become Less Invasive
A new study finds that removing underarm lymph nodes in women with early breast cancer (and who also undergo a lumpectomy) may not be necessary, thus saving them considerable pain and complications.
Female Facebook Users Can Develop Eating Disorders
A new study from the University of Haifa finds girls who spend more time on Facebook, the social networking Web site, are more likely to develop eating disorders.
Aggressive Form of Breast Cancer Linked to Gene Mutation
A new study from Tufts University School of Medicine finds why individuals who inherit a particular family of mutations have a higher risk of developing a very aggressive form of breast cancer.