Health News
A Fishy Way to Reduce Prostate Cancer
Eating right and following a proper diet are smart strategies for good health. For men, a low-fat and fish oil diet may decrease prostate cancer risk.
PET Your Way to Better Cancer Diagnosis
Understanding how far cancer has spread is an important step in treating it. Imaging techniques can not only identify prostate cancer but can lead to better treatments.
Mayo Clinic: PSA Tests are Good Things
In case men aren't confused enough with all the recommendations flying around about PSA tests, another point of view adds one more bit of conflicting advice.
Vitamin E Not Good for Prostate Cancer Prevention
Typically the news about vitamin supplements is good, with studies often finding they help prevent diseases and medical conditions. This time, though, the findings aren't so positive.
New Study Shows Could Lead to More Effective Prostate Cancer Treatment
For many prostate cancer patients, treatment includes prostate removal followed by rounds of radiation therapy. New advances in radiotherapy may help improve the recovery process for prostate cancer patients.
Battling Prostate Cancer Pain
When prostate cancer spreads to the bones, it can be very, very painful. New research shows more effective ways to ease this extreme pain, which can extend the lives of advanced prostate cancer patients and provide researchers insight into how pain relief works.
Protect Your Prostate
Eating the right foods and exercising regularly are key elements in staying healthy. There’s no wonder experts all around the world say these same elements help keep prostate healthy.
Refining Prostate Cancer Screening
There has been a great deal of confusion about prostate screening guidelines and recommendations. Two new studies may offer physicians more insight as to when and how to screen for the disease to reduce over-testing, over-diagnosis and over-treatment.
Rx Combo Fights Prostate Cancer Fatigue
Fatigue is a common and sometimes debillitating symptom for advanced-stage prostate cancer patients. And up until now, there have been few remedies. A prescription medication combination may soon be providing much-needed relief.
Cancer Diagnostic Procedure Linked to Complications
When the results from a blood test screening or a digital rectal exam are suspicious, a biopsy is needed to diagnose prostate cancer. Prostate biopsy is a common outpatient procedure (over 1 million performed a year) which could lead to hospitalization and possible complications.