Health News

Pregnancy Thyroid Screenings
For women who are pregnant, reduced thyroid function can have adverse effects on both the woman's health, and that of her unborn baby. These effects can include the risk of miscarriage and premature birth, but the universal screening of pregnant women for thyroid disfunction is still controversial due to costs.
Better Life Style Produces Healthier Women
Moving on up in life has its benefits, including better health. Where you live can reduce the odds of a mother developing diabetes or becoming obese - both conditions that can shorten a woman’s life.
Contraceptive Side Effects
Certain birth control pills are more likely to cause serious blood clots than others. The newer forms of progesterone combined with hormonal contraceptives carry a higher risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE) than older forms of the pill.
Women Have Weaker Hearts
When it comes to a heart attack men and women display differing symptoms. The differences don't end there. Women may have more difficulty recovering after a heart attack and their quality of life may be worse.
Flu Shots While Pregnant are Safe
If you’re pregnant, getting a flu shot is a good idea. Not only can it help you ward off the seasonal flu, it also will help protect your baby from infection - and it won’t cause miscarriage, say studies that will be released this week.
Managing Blood Pressure While Pregnant
Pregnant women who take high blood pressure medications in the first trimester are not putting their baby at risk of birth defects.  But not managing high blood pressure itself can increase many risks.
Battling Hot Flashes Long After Menopause
If you’re in those menopause years, you’re likely to see the most common symptoms – hot flashes and night sweats.  They may not go away anytime soon.
New Answers for Infertility and Miscarriage
Miscarriage and infertility are heart-wrenching experiences for a woman. A new study offers possible answers about pregnancy loss that could help doctors better prevent and treat infertility in the future.
Polycystic Ovary Creates Problems
Women with polycystic ovary syndrome are more likely to have complications with pregnancy and giving birth, including diabetes, preeclampsia and premature birth.
Estrogen: A Natural Stroke Protectant
Naturally occurring estrogen may aid with ischemic stroke prevention for women under the age of 50. However, in older women the sex hormone may instead increase the risk of stroke.