Health News
Menopause Coping System
How we tolerate our hot flashes and mood swings during our midlife change often depends on how we have approached the challenges presented to us throughout other times in our life.
Wherever Thou Goest, Menopause Will Go
Whales have often held the fascination of many people, and women may have more in common with these magnificent creatures that cruise our oceans than we originally thought, particularly women in menopause.
As If Things Weren’t Bad Enough
Menopause is a difficult transistion for many women, but new research indicates that exposure to man-made chemicals may hurry up the process.
Pregnant Pause
When menopause happens, lots of significant things happen to your body. A biggie is an inability to conceive, which may impact a woman's decision about how much time she has left to start a family.
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
How does the modern woman assess her body image? Apparently, it’s not just by looking in the mirror. Women of all ages base body image largely on how important their social group and family perceive them.
Losing Balance After Breast Cancer
Survivors of breast cancer may find it hard to stand strong as a result of the therapies they endured while fighting the cancer, according to new research.
The Sadness Sticks
After a miscarriage, many women experience depression and anxiety. These mental health problems can continue for many years, even after the mother gives birth to a healthy child, according to new research.
A Baby's Cry and a Mother's Love
Depressed mothers respond differently than non-depressed mothers to the sound of their crying babies, according to a new study.
Mistakes Were Made
Once ovarian cancer has been diagnosed, it takes some general practitioners more than one month to record the diagnosis, according to a new study.
Bone Drug Isn't All Bad
According to Australian researchers, taking bisphosphonates (drugs used to improve bone health) may increase the life span of elderly women.