Healthy Eating and DietInfo Center

A Ride to Work is Best
Commuting to work by your own two legs does a whole lot more than save gas money and prevent air pollution.
Sleep Apnea, Obesity & Pregnancy
The risks to a woman and her baby if she's obese have been well-established, but having sleep apnea ups the stakes even more. Fortunately, sleep apnea can be treated.
Kids Drink Less Sugar, Gain Less Weight!
How much difference does a single sugar-sweetened drink each day make for kids? Over a year a half, enough of a difference to be measured.
My DNA Loves Soft Drinks
The issue of soft drink regulation has heated up across the country, especially in New York City with their super-size drink ban. But what does the evidence say about soda and obesity?
What's in the Water
Sometimes there's nothing like an ice-cold glass of water on a hot day or after an intense workout, but watch where it's coming from.
Surgery Treats "Heavy" Diabetes Problem
Losing weight is hard, especially if you are obese. While exercise and a healthy diet can shed pounds, those steps alone are often not enough. When obese people want to prevent diabetes, weight loss surgery may be the answer.
Calorie Conundrum for Overweight Kids
Eat less, weigh less, correct? It may not be that simple for overweight children, according to a new study from the University of North Carolina School of Medicine.
More Playtime, Less Diabetes
Whether you are an adult or a child, exercise is good for you. Researchers already know that exercise can lower the risk of diabetes in children. But how much exercise is the best protection against diabetes?
You KAN-DO It!
It's easier for preschoolers to eat well when families have the tools to think about good nutrition. Moms were able to do so with the KAN-DO program.
Myth Busters: Skinny Smokers
There’s this myth out there that smoking helps keep the weight off. But recent science may have just proved that myth completely wrong.