Healthy Eating and DietInfo Center

Put the Cigarette Down & No One Gets Fat
If you're thinking of lighting up while a little one kicks in your tummy, this might stop you. Do you want an overweight child?
Green Tea’s Brain Boosting Power
Green tea has many health benefits, and some claim that it can boost memory. A recent study went looking to some furry friends for insight as to why green tea may improve memory.
Cause for Frailty in Elderly
Getting proper nutrition is important for older people to maintain strength and muscle mass. Frailty can come from not getting enough to eat.
Is Organic Food More Nutritious?
If you pay extra to eat organic food, why do you do it? Is it mostly because you want something more nutritious or mostly because you want to avoid pesticides?
Obese Youth Likelier to Have Gallstones
As children's waistlines continue to grow across the U.S., so do their chances of getting gallstones.
A Little Sugar Goes a Long Way
Eating too much sugar can change how your body responds to insulin - a hormone that is heavily involved in diabetes. Does eating normal amounts of sugar also have an effect?
A Bean a Day Keeps the Gas Away?
It’s common knowledge - beans give you gas. Limericks and sayings have taught us this since we were children. But now, the long held belief is being reexamined. Research shows the link between diet and gas may be more complicated.
What Your Oncologist Won't Tell You
You know that exercise is good for you. This is true for just about any time in your life – some form of movement does a body good. Staying active is especially important during cancer treatment – but don’t wait for your doctor to tell you so.
We Eat Too Much Salt
Add some salt and your meal might taste a little better. But if eating too much salt is bad for your health, is that extra splash of salt really worth it?
All Eyes on Surgery for Acid Reflux
Some obese patients with acid reflux still feel heartburn and nausea after seeking surgery to help. Thinking about going under the knife can be scary to begin with, and surgical procedures need to be done right.