Healthy Eating and DietInfo Center
Preventing Disease with Exercise
Your health care provider may emphasize the importance of exercise, but exactly how important is physical activity for staying healthy?
Quinoa for a Gluten-Free Diet
Quinoa is a high-protein grain from South America that has become more popular in recent years. A recent study examined whether people who could not eat gluten could tolerate this grain.
Mediterranean Diet Might Be Good for Arteries
Could consuming the healthy fats, fish and perhaps even red wine of the Mediterranean diet help prevent a certain artery disease? Maybe so, according to a new study.
Taking Steps Toward a Healthier Life
Getting enough physical activity each day is an important component to an overall healthy lifestyle. The earlier kids learn this habit, the more likely they will keep it up.
New Guidelines for Fat Consumption
Updated nutritional guidelines recommend consuming 20 to 30 percent of your daily calories from fats. But the type of fat you eat can have a big impact on your health.
Diet Soda Drinkers Consumed More Calories
Every year, millions of people try to lose weight through dieting. A new study has shown that one common diet practice may be tricking people into eating more than they think.
Women Who Sat Less Lived Longer
Physical activity is part of a healthy lifestyle, but one new study shows it may not be enough for postmenopausal women who have otherwise sedentary lifestyles.
A Fishy Diet May Lower Diabetes Risk
Fish is commonly referred to as “brain food,” and now research is also showing that it may help prevent some chronic diseases like diabetes.
Sit Less, Feel Better
Being physically fit is good for your health, but simply limiting time sitting down might also be important, according to the authors of a new study.
Heavy Drinking Could Harm Memory Later
Too much alcohol can cloud your memory of an evening, but could it also cloud your memory later in life? A new study suggested it might.