Neuromuscular DiseaseInfo Center
Drug Works for Treating MS
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease that comes in episodes. Each attack of MS symptoms can be different. Even though there is no cure for MS, research shows that a new drug can slow down the crippling effects of the disease.
The Power of Illusion over Pain
The power of the mind can have a powerful effect on the body. This point is held up by a recent study showing that simple illusions can reduce the pain felt by patients with arthritis.
Nerve Damage in MS Patients
Reasearch studies indicate damaged nerves are a main cause of multiple sclerosis (MS) - a disease that makes patients disabled over time. In a new study, researchers discovered one process that causes nerve damage. Eventually, this process may be a new target for treating MS.
Gel for Your Joints
Most of the current drugs for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) are taken by individuals in pill form. Because pills have to be broken down and spread throughout the whole body, these drugs have many side effects and can sometimes take weeks to start working. Now, researchers have made a new RA gel that may fix these problems.
Escorts Role Narrowed in Alzheimer's Disease
Do high levels of plasma clusterin in a person free of Alzheimer's Disease indicate a risk of developing Alzheimer's disease?
MS: How Long Do You Have?
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease that can stop people from being able to move.
While there is no cure for MS, the disease develops slower in some people than others. A new tool can tell how fast mutliple sclerosis patients will become disabled.
High Five It With Green Tea
Green tea - which has been shown to lower the risks for chronic diseases like heart disease and osteoporosis - is a mainstay in many Eastern diets.
A new study shows that green tea combined with tai chi (a type of Chinese exercise practice) can improve bone strength in women.
Working with Arthritis
Many people with arthritis report having some workplace difficulties.
A recent study shows that these difficulties do not necessarily make arthritis patients less productive on the job.
Sing Your Way to a Better Memory
It's been established that diet and exercise may delay the impact of Alzheimer's disease on memory, but music? A new study suggests that singing can help with memory loss.
Headaches from the Heart
Of the 15 percent of U.S. children who suffer from migraines, about one-third of all children, have migraines with aura - which involve a set of symptoms such as flashes of light, blind spots, and tingling.
New research shows these migraines in children may be related to a certain heart defect.