Health News

Natural Anti-Aging Agent - Strawberries
Rainbow Brite and Strawberry Shortcake are at it again - saving the world one person at a time by telling people strawberries are a delicious, healthy fruit that can fight diseases.
Survival of the Fittest
Exercise not only helps you feel and look better, it can also help you live longer. New findings show that exercise improves life expectancy for brain cancer patients.
A Pint of Pine
Are you looking for a natural supplement that can improve heart health? Researchers found Pycnogenol - pine extract - to be beneficial for patients who suffer heart failure.
Pass on the Potatoes, Go for the Tomatoes
Everyone has their own favorite junk foods to snack on. But did you stop to think how it would affect you in five years? Some foods are just not worth the weight gain.
Eggs Fight Back
Did you know that eggs are naturally able to fight off bacteria? As soon as they’re laid though, that fighting ability gradually decreases. Have no fear – there may be a solution.
Idaho Goes Organic
Demands in organic products are higher than ever, and Idaho - famous for its spuds - is putting on its duds during its first-ever "Organic Week".
Living La Vida Loca in College
College students living on their own for the first time can live life a little too fully. It appears they haven't quite found a balance yet.
Indiana Brings Fruits and Vegetables To You
Fruits and vegetables provide important vitamins and nutrients for healthy development. Still, fresh produce can be very expensive. The state of Indiana may have found a solution.
Obesity and Smoking - Not a Good Combination
For girls, being obese isn't just a physical challenge. Carrying too many pounds can result in low self-esteem and depression, which in turn makes girls more vulnerable to addiction.
Pump Up at School
Are your kids getting enough exercise every day? According to new information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), they're probably not.