DepressionInfo Center
Happy Comfort Food
What do you do when you’re in the dumps? Some turn to buckets of ice cream for comfort. It just seems to take all troubles away. Maybe it really does!
Positive Actions and Thoughts Decrease Depression
For people suffering from depression, there are alternatives or additions to medication and therapy. You can also think and act yourself into being happier.
Nursing Home Falls Linked to Antidepressants
Depression is a very common diagnosis among the elderly, and nearly 1.6 million nursing home residents take some type of antidepressant. Unfortunately, some of these drugs seem to lead to an increased risk for falling.
Natural PMS Relief
If you're a woman, you know those days before the flow can be difficult, even hellish, for you - and those around you. Do not despair, nature has a remedy that's now clinically proven to work.
Painful Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding is a magical experience that reaps physical and emotional benefits for both the mother and her child. What happens for a woman who has difficulty with breastfeeding?
Reducing Risks Could Cut Alzheimer's
Moderate lifestyle changes may seem small, but they can provide large returns in better health. Exercising and smoking cessation are among modifiable changes capable of reducing risk of Alzheimer's disease.
Food and Drug Addictions are Very Similar
Ever wonder why you can’t stop yourself from indulging in food? You might have a food addiction. There has never been a way of diagnosing or even treating food dependence — until recently.
Fish Oil Helps Psychological Stresses
The benefits of omega-3, or fish oil, supplements have long been touted for improving heart health. Recently, they've shown a surprising new advantage: reducing stress, anxiety and depression.
Asthma and Mom's Pregnancy Depression
Typical American families run on the unspoken motto, "If Mamma's not happy, then nobody's happy." Can a depressed, expecting mom distress the health of her unborn child?
The Pain of Deployment
The stress of having a parent deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan can wear on any child. Long-term deployment, though, may have a major impact on children, according to a recent study.