DepressionInfo Center
Violence: Side Effect of Perscription Drugs
Illegal street drugs are not the only drugs associated with violent behavior. Various prescription drugs have been linked to violent outbursts, even homicide, by mental health patients.
Bipolar Disorder Diagnosis Dilemma
Proper diagnosis of bipolar disorder and depression should include an extensive patient evaluation. Doctors need access to information regarding details about one's moods, psychotic thoughts, manic periods and family history.
Liaison Coordinates Heart Care
Patients who end up in the hospital because of their heart disease often have a long road to recovery in front of them. Unfortunately, depression can make that road more difficult.
Side Affects for ADHD in Children?
Diagnosing your child with ADHD at a young age may reduce later symptoms of depression and thoughts of suicide. A new study considers the possibility of ADHD children being more susceptible to depression and suicidal behavior.
The Long and Winding Road
Feelings of depression can make that long and winding road seem even longer and more winding.
Is your boyfriend affected by your depression?
Depression affects many aspects of someone's life, including thoughts, behavior and physical well-being. Add relationships to the list as well.
Facebook Status: Depressed?
In recent years, children have gone from playing outdoors to spending their time inside using Facebook or Twitter.
A new report suggests that not only are kids being influenced by online activities, but that these online activities could lead to “Facebook depression".
Poor, Depressed, and in Pain
Having a crippling disease can be saddening for anybody. A new study shows that rheumatoid arthritis patients who are poor have a greater risk of depression.
Race and the Pre-Baby Blues
Many studies have shown that women become depressed before giving birth. However, new research suggests that minority women face an especially high risk of experiencing prenatal depression.
Depression Makes the Pain Worse
Knee arthritis can be so painful that standing seems impossible. Even those with mild arthritis say they feel extreme pain, especially if they have depression.