Healthy Eating and DietInfo Center

Real Frogs Not As Kid-Friendly as Kermit
Frogs and snakes may seem like low-maintenance pets for kids. But young children can become sick from contact with reptiles and amphibians.
Fruit Doesn’t Hurt Diabetes Control
While it's hard to find a healthier snack option than a piece of fresh fruit, some docs have expressed concern that the natural sugars in fruit may cause issues for people with type 2 diabetes. Researchers put this thought to the test.
Weight Loss Surgery and Diabetes
For obese individuals who have had trouble losing weight, gastric bypass surgery may be an effective option. For those who also have diabetes, the surgery may come with an added bonus—stopping diabetes.
Supplements For Seniors
Elderly adults usually eat less food and absorb fewer nutrients than their younger counterparts. As such, many seniors may not get enough nutrients like vitamin B6.
More C-Sections for Overweight Moms
Women are supposed to gain weight during a healthy pregnancy. But weighing too much at the start or gaining too much weight during pregnancy may increase certain risks.
Brief, Hard Workout Does the Trick
Sometimes it seems that there are not enough hours in the day to make time for exercise. But a short, intense workout may be enough for some diabetes patients.
Exercise Moot with Early Cancer
Exercise is useful in the fight against invasive cancer. But the effect exercise has on early forms of breast cancer might be different.
Southern Diet May Raise Stroke Risk
Fried chicken, ham, lots of butter and sweet tea are all staples of a traditional Southern diet. Although they're tasty, these foods may raise the risk of stroke.
Exploring Parent Education to Reduce Obesity
Child obesity happens for many different reasons. These include TV time, diet, physical activity, genetics and other issues. Changing some of these may help reduce risk of obesity.
Healthy Body Weight, Healthy Kidneys
Keeping a healthy body weight is important for the heart and joints. Losing weight may also be important for healthy kidneys.