Healthy Eating and DietInfo Center
Eat Your Eggs, Not Your Wheaties
A bowl of cereal and milk is a classic breakfast option for millions of Americans. So is bacon and eggs. And so is skipping breakfast altogether. Which is best?
Not So Happy With the New Knee
One major consideration when undergoing knee replacement surgery is whether the new knee will actually be an improvement over the original knee.
Extra Risks of Extra Pregnancy Pounds
Gaining weight is a natural part of growing a baby in your womb. Being overweight or obese while you are pregnant, however, can carry additional risks for your pregnancy.
Cancer Gene Dances With Coffee and Tea
Is anything safe? We’ve been told that grilled meats contain cancer-causing chemicals. So do some plastic food containers. Scientists have now found some flavorings may be harmful.
Feeding Your Feelings the Wrong Way
Self-image affects a long line of behaviors for women when it comes to eating and diet. And unhealthy eating habits can be difficult to break.
The Active Retired
Retirement marks a number of changes among older adults. Not only is it the end of work life, but time spent doing physical activity may change as well.
Yes, We Consume Too Much Salt
Salt: it preserves food, makes food tasty, and it's everywhere. But Americans and populations around the world are consuming way too much salt and sodium in general.
Breathing Better and Soaking Up Sun
Could catching more rays help you breathe better? According to a recent Korean study, it may be possible.
The Weight of Social Factors
Negative emotions related to body image can weigh heavy on one's heart, but could these factors actually be related to physical weight as well?
Putting Milk on the Map
Researchers already knew that milk allergy was common among American children. But until recently, they weren’t sure how it compared to other food allergies.