Healthy Eating and DietInfo Center

More Physical Activity, Less Sitting Helped Fight Obesity
Obesity is a serious condition that can easily develop in adults if they do not lead healthy lives. New research suggests adults should try for a combination of healthy behaviors in order to combat obesity later in life.
Healthy Living Counteracted Genetic Aging From Stress
Many people coping with stressful life situations like the loss of a loved one can forget to take care of themselves. But healthy eating, regular exercise and a good night’s sleep may be key to offsetting the physical toll stress can take.
Heat Stroke May Be Bigger Threat Than Heart Attack for Runners
Many long-distance runners are at risk of death from heart problems during races. But athletes and doctors may need to turn their attention to another risk factor.
Healthy Choices Lowered Health Risks in Cancer Survivors
Childhood cancer survivors can be more susceptible to heart disease and other health problems as adults. But new research shows they can lower their risk through lifestyle choices.
Running for Life
With so many options for exercise, it can be tough to choose one that will fit into your schedule and provide the maximum health benefits. Taking up running might be one of your best bets.
Many Overweight Kids Not Realistic About Weight
About one third of US children and adolescents are overweight or obese, the CDC reports. Many, however, may be in denial about how much they weigh.
Exercise May Enhance Attention Span in Young Adults
Research has shown that exercise can improve health and raise mood, but the benefits might not stop there. New research suggests exercise may improve attention span.
Obesity Weighed Down Worker Performance
One in three US adults are now considered obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and this weight problem may be taking its toll in the workplace.
Fruit Recall Affects Retailers Nationwide
Opting for fruit is usually a healthy option, but consumers across the country may be thinking twice about some produce this week. A nationwide recall of certain fruits has been issued.
Whole Foods Recalls Made-in-Store Items Due to Listeria Risk
Whole Foods Market has recalled certain made-in-store food products that were prepared with stone fruits from Wawona Packaging Company due to possible contamination with a foodborne illness.