Healthy Eating and DietInfo Center
Parents Worried Most if Child Was Allergic to Eggs, Milk
Many children are allergic to peanuts, but parents may worry most about other food allergies.
Timing of Weight Loss Efforts Matters
Diet and exercise are often recommended for weight loss. For people to get the most from their weight loss efforts, the order in which they diet and exercise may matter.
Weight Loss After Gastric Bypass Differed by Race
Weight loss surgery has been proving successful for many people. However, one type of weight loss surgery, called gastric bypass, has been slightly more successful for a certain race.
Milk May Be Good for Colorectal Cancer Survivors
Dairy, calcium and vitamin D have been shown to help prevent colorectal cancer. But can they help people who’ve already had colorectal cancer?
Ex-Smokers and the Obese More Likely to Take Prescribed Statins
Some research has shown that those who regularly drink or smoke are less likely to take their cholesterol medications. But people with a different unhealthy lifestyle factor do seem to take the medications meant to lower cholesterol and improve their health.
Soy Not Protective Against Endometrial Cancer
Endometrial cancer is less common in Asian countries than in Western countries. A new study has found these lower rates don't seem to result from a specific food that Asian women eat.
Another Risk Factor for Pancreatic Cancer
Cigarette smoking and diabetes are associated with a higher risk of pancreatic cancer. Now another risk factor for this cancer has been confirmed.
Keeping Track of Gestational Diabetes
A variety of pregnancy complications can increase the risks of childbirth and pregnancy for women. Gestational diabetes is one of these.
Obesity's Role in Newborn Fat Mass
Parents play a crucial part in keeping their children healthy. For mothers, that influence starts when their baby is in the womb.
Stroke Prevention Should Start Early in Life for Women
Stroke usually affects people later in life. However, new research suggests that it's not just older adults who should be careful.