Health News

The Lost Years of Cancer
The big C takes a chunk out of human life, wherever it appears – in whatever form. The lost years and the lost productivity take their toll not just on individuals and their families – but the entire world.
Non-Smokers Also Get Lung Cancer
While you may think of lung cancer as strictly a smoker’s disease, it can affect non-smokers as well. New gene discoveries are helping find better cancer treatments for both groups.
Modeling and Studying Lung Cancer in 3D
One of the huge challenges in lung cancer research is finding a good way to study the disease – to see how it develops and grows and changes. A new model may open the gateway to new discoveries.
Lung Cancer Has a New Enemy
One of the most deadly illnesses current and past smokers can face is squamous cell lung cancer. Until now, though, no drugs have targeted the gene mutations that cause this disease
Drug Fails to Prolong Cancer Patient Lives
A drug often used to treat kidney and liver cancer may also fight a type of lung cancer. New research, though, shows that it does not extend the lives of lung cancer patients.
A Game Changer For Lung Cancer
About 5 percent of the 226,000 lung cancers diagnosed every year in the U.S. have a scrambled ALK gene. Usually people with this type of lung cancer are treated with chemotherapy. Now, another drug has been shown to be more effective.
First and Secondhand Smoke is Deadly
People who don’t smoke shouldn’t die from smoke, but it happens everyday. Secondhand smoke exposure is an unnecessary risk that takes over 40,000 lives per year.
Marriage Improves Lung Cancer
Scientists may have trouble proving it in a lab, but marital support helps cancer patients live longer. How can this be translated to help unmarried patients?
Smoker Vs. Never-Smoker Lung Cancer
Lung cancer patients who never smoked may be treated differently in the future than those who have smoked. That’s because smoking changes a person’s genes – a lot.
Lung Cancer Survival and Ethnicity
What could possibly make death rates for foreign- and U.S.-born Hispanics with lung cancer patients different? Well, it’s not genetic differences, so what could it be?