Health News

A New Probiotic Super-Formula?
Probiotics are food with live and active beneficial bacteria for the body that have been gaining popularity in the U.S. - and soon they may be in baby's formula.
Grass Pollen Allergy Relief is Around the Corner
A grass pollen allergy can wreak havoc during the summer season. A new treatment may soon provide long-term relief for many allergy sufferers.
Pointing Makes Your Point
Rationalizing with children can be difficult, whether you’re experienced with kids or not; yet new research suggests pointing may help.
If You Don't Snooze, You Lose
If you're not getting enough good quality sleep, it's not just your energy that might be lagging. Your immune system likely isn't holding up well to stress either.
Beheading Head and Neck Cancers
Part of the reason head and neck cancers are tough to treat is that the tumors sometimes become resistant to both radiation therapy (radiotherapy) and chemotherapy. A research team in Germany is working to overcome this problem.
Dark Chicken May Benefit Heart
Got high cholesterol? Consider grabbing a drumstick. Those with high cholesterol may receive an added benefit from eating chicken or turkey -- specifically from consuming a nutrient in dark meat.
Breast Cancer Co-Conspirators
BRCA genes aren't the only menacing genes in the breast cancer equation. No, there's a syndicate of criminal molecules that hijack normal DNA repair and create the havoc that is breast cancer. Researchers have nabbed another culprit gene.
A Natural Killer That Can Help Flu Outbreak
Fear of a flu epidemic is a constant concern for scientists and researchers. A new study may help reduce those fears thanks to a “natural killer.”
If You Give a Kid a Chickpea Cookie
If the proof is in the pudding, parents best fess up: admit to your vegetable-rejecting little one that the goodness of peas and carrots await them… in their favorite spice cake.
Not All Coronary Heart Patients Need Stents
Not all stable patients with coronary artery disease will receive an added benefit from initial implantation of a stent to prop open a clogged artery.