Health News

Autism Symptoms Aren't Color-blind
Various medical diseases sometimes differ in the way their symptoms and levels of severity show up in different ethnicities. It appears that autism may be such a condition.
If Dad Ain't Happy, Nobody's Happy
Scientists knew that depressed moms can have a negative impact on their kids, but now it seems that depressed dads have a major impact on the health and wellbeing of their children as well.
FDA Advises Approval for New COPD Drug
More relief from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease ( COPD ) is just around the corner. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recommended approval for a new COPD drug.
Advances in IVF
In 1981, the first U.S. baby was born through in vitro fertilization. Scientists and doctors have come a long way since then. Today the procedure is more efficient than ever for families unable to conceive.
Use Your Head - By Protecting It
When it comes to playing sports like football and soccer, using your head may actually be the best way to lose it - or at least to lose a little bit of your cognitive power.
Getting to the DNA of COPD
As with any disease, there are proteins and symptoms linked to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease ( COPD ). Scientists have discovered DNA contributes to COPD .
Arachnophobia Smerachnophobia
Fear is the emotional response to perceived threats, of course. Some fears are logical, while others are very irrational. We all have them, but why? Your fears may alter your perception more than you think.
Candy is Dandy for a Stomachache
Most people know of licorice as a candy, but this herb can do more than satisfy a sweet tooth. A new study reveals it can ease symptoms associated with functional dyspepsia.
Fever Seizure Risk Low After Vaccination
Parents concerned about multiple-vaccine shots can rest easier knowing shows one common combination shot is as safe as single vaccines and safer than skipping the vaccine altogether.
Toddler Makes You Mad? Take a Chill Pill
Toddlers are known to test the boundaries of their new world, often testing parents in the process. It is easy to feel angry at bad behavior, but be careful because too strong of a reaction could make things worse.