Health News

Cell Phones Used to Prevent Depression
Cell phones are becoming ever more popular worldwide - even in developing countries and low-income households. New research suggests that this widespread technology could be used to reduce depression in adolescents.
How Does Thalidomide Treat Multiple Myeloma?
A fun fact about drug development is that despite the best effort of everyone involved, it's hard to predict what the drug is going to do. Rogaine and Viagra were both originally developed as blood pressure medications. And then there's thalidomide.
Kidney Failure's Bleeding Risk
Kidney disease puts people at risk for a number of related health complications. As their kidneys start to fail, some patients may even bleed from their stomach or intestines, a problem that may need more attention.
Men More Oral Than Women
The human papillomavirus ( HPV ) doesn't just cause cervical cancer in women. It also causes oral cancers in both women and men. Researchers now have solid demographic information.
I'll Take Some Bacteria With my Raw Milk
If you go to the grocery store and pick up a gallon of milk, it's likely been pasteurized to kill bacteria. But you can still go directly to a farm for a taste of raw milk.
You've Come a Long Way Baby - Now Stop
It's common knowledge that smoking cigarettes can cause lung cancer. But it turns out that smokers may have to worry about more than just their lungs, especially women.
OTC Supplement Dims Ovarian Cancer
You know that vegetables are good for you. And cruciferous vegetables - broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, brussel sprouts - are especially healthful. New studies are demonstrating the anti-cancer effects of an ingredient in these green goddesses.
FDA Versus Ranbaxy
The Department of Justice, on behalf of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, has filed a consent decree of permanent injunction against generic drug manufacturer Ranbaxy in the U.S. District Court of Maryland.
Breaking Down the Cost of Asthma
How much does asthma really cost? A new study is breaking down the cost of living next to a busy road and asthma.
Saving Your T-Cells For a Rainy Day
One problem with using chemotherapy in leukemia is that the T cells of the immune system are wiped out along with the cancer cells. Then patients are overwhelmed with normal bacteria that their immune system can no longer fight.