Health News

Plavix Allergy May be so Passe'
Allergic reactions to Plavix can lead many people to stop taking it and miss out on valuable treatment. Luckily, it looks like the allergic reaction to Plavix can be overcome.
Stomaching Acid Reflux's Link to Cancer
One particularly lethal form of esophageal cancer has baffled medical scientists for decades. New research may have found the missing piece to the puzzle.
Will My Throat Cancer Spread?
One of the biggest fears a cancer patient faces is spread of the disease. Metastasis is never a good thing, but it's usually hard to predict which cancers will travel. Researchers are solving this mystery in throat cancer.
Treating the Effects of Gout Treatment
The side effects of certain drugs can make some gout patients quit treatment. Fortunately, there may be one drug that stops the painful flare-ups sometimes associated with gout treatment.
How Much Radiation?
Being exposed to any type or level of radiation isn't a particularly healthy thing. That's why the U.S. Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is testing the radiation levels of full-body scanners. But not out of concern for the flying public.
Antidepressants Increase Hypertension Risks
Several research teams have focused on the effects of antidepressants taken while pregnant. A new study suggests medications taken during pregnancy may increase the risk of a pulmonary disease in newborns.
Can a Study of a Million Women be Wrong?
It used to be standard practice: a woman stopped having her menstrual cycles and she went on hormone replacement therapy ( HRT ) to relieve symptoms of menopause. That practice was abruptly halted in 2002 when part of a large study - the Women's Health Initiative - was stopped because of a reported link between HRT and increased incidence of breast cancer. Another even larger study in England - the Million Women Study - reached the same conclusions and also announced that HRT increased a postmenopausal woman's risk of developing breast cancer. A recent review is now questioning ...
Viral Load Biggest Factor in Reducing HIV
We all know that HIV is a sexually transmitted disease, and that safe sex is the best way to prevent infection. But if you're not being safe with an HIV-positive partner, what's your risk?
Americans Seek Therapy Frequently
A cross-cultural comparison of drinking habits yields unsavory results for the United States. Americans may drink more often, but do seek help.
Zooming In on Type One
Certain white blood cells protect our bodies from a variety of illnesses. But what happens when these cells turn against us? In some cases, it leads to type 1 diabetes.