Health News

Drug Cuts Pain in Sickle Cell Infants
A sickle cell anemia treatment may benefit infants as young as nine months old by reducing their level of pain from the disease. It also could reduce the need for blood transfusions and cut the rate of hospital admission.
Pregnancy Increases Risk for Tuberculosis
Tuberculosis (TB) is a contagious bacterial infection that affects your lungs. It’s not very common in the U.S., only affecting about 11,000 Americans yearly. But there’s one group that may be more susceptible to TB: pregnant women.
Who's not Over-Diagnosing Prostate Cancer?
In the prostate cancer world these days, you hear the terms over-diagnosis and over-treatment  being thrown around a great deal. So just how aggressive are physicians in diagnosing the disease? Apparently, not very - at least in one area of the country.
Endurance Exercise Linked to Heart Damage
Endurance athletes that participate in long-term exercise such as marathons, triathlons and alpine cycling could be at risk of developing permanent damage to the heart's right ventricle.
Why Do You Use?
Alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana together create quite the trifecta of substance abuse in the United States, and a new study explores the trio's correlation with mental illness.
Mentally Accept the Ill
While treatment and understanding of schizophrenia has improved greatly over the past few decades, a stigma associated with the disease can still remain, even in family members of those afflicted with the disease.
Headaches Hit Youngsters After Brain Injury
Headaches are surprisingly common for months after children and teenagers suffer a traumatic brain injury such as a concussion.
Khat Dangerous for the Heart
Chewing an herbal stimulant such as khat may seem like a pleasant and safe way to unwind. In fact those that chew khat are at an increased risk of stroke and dying.
Two Sisters Help Understand One Disease
It's well known that cancer can be passed between a donor and recipient during a transplant operation. One such exchange has actually advanced the scientific understanding of lymphoma.
Crystal Ball for Brain Tumors
Two drugs are used to treat glioblastoma multiforme ( GBM ), the worst and most common form of brain cancer. Many tumors don't respond well to these medications, however, and scientists are beginning to understand why.