Health News

Diabetes Drug Slows Breast Cancer
What if you could take a drug that costs less than $10 a month to prevent or treat breast cancer? Not a bad deal. Just such a scenario may not be too far off.
Red Meats Linked to Aggressive Prostate Cancer
Regularly eating hot dogs and hamburgers is not considered a wise practice for a number of health reasons. For men, there's one more reason to avoid eating meat.
You're at High Risk of Breast Cancer
Start mammography at age 40. No, make it 50. Oh hell, if you don't feel like it - don't have a mammogram at all. So, are you confused? Well don't be.
Heart Attack Patients Need Corvettes
Less than 10 percent of heart attack patients requiring a life-saving emergency procedure are being transferred to larger hospitals within the recommended 30 minutes.
Beat-Boxing Your Heart Beat
Hoping to capitalize on the habit of many Americans -- listening to an mp3 player while exercising -- Motorola is offering something new. Recently unveiled devices let users track or even listen to their heart beat while they work out.
Here Comes Generic Lipitor
Pharmaceutical company Pfizer loses patent rights to its popular cholesterol lowering medication Lipitor ( atorvastatin calcium) this week. The news means patients will be able to begin purchasing a less-expensive generic version by Thursday.
New Cancer Safari
The Gleason Grading system is used to predict the course of prostate cancer. The higher the score, the poorer the prognosis. A newly devised system may be a better crystal ball than this system.
Scheduling Your Operation?
Despite previous concerns about doctor fatigue, new findings suggest that the risk of mortality during elective surgical procedures is not impacted by the time of day for the operation.
Work and the Healthy Mind
In an effort to quantify the societal impact of health disorders, global researchers found a link between mental health and time away from work. 
Menopausal Women Don’t Get Enough Vitamin D
You’ve heard it time and time again: eat vitamin-rich food to stay healthy, especially if you’re a woman who’s transitioning through an important developmental stage, such as menopause. However, not all women are following this advice.