Health News

A Pinch of Ginger Root a Day May Keep Cancer Away
Chicken soup or orange juice may or may not help battle a cold, but natural remedies can be a cheap way to prevent disease. A new study may add ginger root as a natural way to help prevent colon cancer.
Pregnant Women Need to Watch Their Hormones
Women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a common hormonal disorder, are more likely to experience problems in pregnancy - and their babies will experience problems after birth - says a new study.
Your Health Rating Heightens Dementia Risk
There may be some power in negative thinking. Older individuals who rate their health as fair or poor are more likely to develop dementia later in life.
Pregnancy Workouts are Good for Your Heart
Working out before and during early pregnancy is good for heart health. Researchers believe that exercise can help pregnant moms increase their cardiovascular health - and it could even help prevent preeclampsia.
Walking in the Rain, Safely
Trying to meet physical activity requirements is hard enough with demanding work schedules or little munchkins running around. Safety is another hurdle women have to jump over.
Better Behavior With Diabetes
Fighting diabetes takes more than drugs. Patients must learn how to manage their diet, blood sugar, and weight on a daily basis. Educational interventions can teach patients these skills.
Know Your Heart's DNA
It's long been suspected that there is nothing that can be done to lower your genetic risk of heart disease. Scientists have since found that one gene that is a strong marker for cardiovascular disease may be inherently modifiable.
Until Death Do You Part
When it comes to death, married men have it easy. While unmarried men are more likely to die in general, this might be particularly true when it comes to dying from cancer.
Beta Blockers Block More than High BP
One type of medication may do the job of two: Control high blood pressure and melanoma tumor growth.
Transplant Care: The Gap Remains Wide
Organ transplant clinics have to report their success rates. The idea is to help patients find the best medical care and motivate clinics to improve their care. But public reporting does not seem to be helping.