Health News

Cholesterol: Knowing When to Check it
High cholesterol can have deadly consequences for the heart. However simple check ups and monitoring of cholesterol can make it manageable and controllable.
MS: A Mysterious Malady
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a puzzling disease. While scientists know little about the causes of MS, they know much more about its potentially debilitating effects.
Hair, Skin, Eyes, Moles, Family and Genes
Do blondes really have more fun? Could be, but not in the sun. Having fair skin and hair bumps up a person's risk of melanoma, the deadliest skin cancer.  Scientists have found  that gene errors also increase risks.
Aspirin May Cause Age-Related Vision Problems
A daily dose of aspirin may worsen vision problems in people who have age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Researchers found that seniors who take an aspirin a day are twice as likely to have late-stage macular degeneration compared to seniors who don’t take aspirin every day.
The Molecule of Many Diseases
It is good news when researchers gain a little more knowledge about the development of one disease. It is even better news when that little bit of knowledge applies to a whole group of diseases.
Diabetes: The South Asian Risk
In the fight against type 2 diabetes, it is important to know who is at risk for the disease. While obesity is a major part of the picture, genetics also play a role in the development of diabetes.
Poor Neighborhoods Produce Fewer Graduates
It's no secret that growing up in poverty has a huge negative impact on children, in many ways. Their education suffers, often because of lower quality schools and the challenges that poverty brings.
Stopping Breast Cancer in its Tracks
Breast cancer that has not begun to spread (metastasize) beyond the original tumor is likely survivable. When the cancer starts to fan out, controlling the disease becomes much more difficult.  Scientists may have pinpointed a way to block this deadly spread.
Extra Calcium and Moms-to-be
Pregnant women are often told to take more calcium to benefit themselves and their babies, but the benefits of doing so have been unclear.
Battling Prostate Cancer Pain
When prostate cancer spreads to the bones, it can be very, very painful.  New research shows more effective ways to ease this extreme pain, which can extend the lives of advanced prostate cancer patients and provide researchers insight into how pain relief works.