Health News

Running Backs Aren't Running Fast Enough
Most high school football teams completed their “two-a-days” which usually includes full pads every day in the August heat. Ivy league is rethinking that notion.
Birth Control Device Diminishes Cervical Cancer
The country has come a long way in its attitudes concerning sexually-transmitted diseases. Recall the outrage at the recommendation of condom use to avoid transmission of HIV. Now, most embrace the idea of proactive measures to curb the spread of sexually-transmitted diseases.
Heady Hormones
Young girls are beginning their period at an increasingly earlier age. This trend to rapid maturity may also lead to premature conditions formerly associated with aging.
Crohn's Disease Medication Helps With Brain Cancer
Ted Kennedy's first symptom of brain cancer was the seizure he had in 2008. Seizures are commonly the first sign that's something's wrong among patients who have gliomas.
Train That RA Pain Away
Exercise is essential for people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. It is a safe and low-cost way to reduce pain, build muscle, and increase flexibility. If stiff joints are keeping you from seizing the day, it may be time to get on your feet and get moving.
Half of Americans Experience Mental Health Issues
When most people think of mental illness, they think of serious, lifelong conditions such as schizophrenia, chronic depression, post-traumatic stress disorder and bipolar disorder. Yet the truth is, in our lifetime fully half of us will experience some form of mental health problem.
Food Allergy Party Pooper
A first anaphylactic episode a child experiences that indicates a food allergy can be a very frightening event for both the parents and child. Some modify their lifestyles greatly to accommodate their fears.
Light Drinking Lifts Aging Prospects
After finished with childbearing and proceeding to raising children, women have the freedom to possibly imbibe after a day of work or child rearing. This is probably okay for their golden years health.
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
The more that is understood about newborn birth defects, the clearer it is that a mom-to-be really has a great deal of control over her future baby's health.
Fish Oil and Chemotherapy Don't Mix!
Cancer patients often use natural substances during treatment. It's thought these things certainly can't hurt and may help. In fact, just the opposite can be true.