Health News

Hepatitis B Vaccine for Pregnant Women
When women become pregnant, they often focus their energies on making sure their fetus is as healthy as possible. However, by delaying vaccination for hepatitis B (HBV) while pregnant, women may be putting their own health at risk.
Soy and Milk May Cut Blood Pressure
Milk and soy are known to offer a number of health benefits, and lowering blood pressure is another health benefit that can be chalked on this ever-increasing list.
To Be or not TB
In low-income nations, healthcare costs are soaring and many people infected with tuberculosis (TB) are left without any treatment options.
Feelin’ Good
Having a boost of confidence in just about anything helps improve performance, and researchers found that it works the same for losing weight. More confidence means more weight lost.
More at Risk for Transient Heart Failure
Stress can bring plenty of undesired affects including a transient form of acute heart failure. It was suspected the cardiac disorder was fairly limited to postmenopausal women. Research suggests the risk pool is much greater.
Lungs Live Longer Without Heartburn
Sometimes, treating one disease can help patients deal with another. This seems to be the case for patients with a certain lung disease who are also being treated for acid reflux disease.
Hay Fever Readiness Revealed
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and this is the case with ragweed allergies. Allergists are forecasting hay fever will soon arrive in most parts of the country.
A Better Choice Than Low Fat
A diet low in fat seems like an easy way to reduce your risk of heart disease. It might be easy, but research suggests it isn't all that effective. Instead, a modified-fat diet may be the best way to go.
Yellow Fever and MS: A Trade-Off?
Are you about to travel to Africa? Your doctor might tell you to get some vaccinations. If you have multiple sclerosis (MS), you may want to think twice before getting the yellow fever vaccine.
FDA Declines Diabetes Drug
Even if sceintist believe a drug is a breakthrough in the treatment of a disease, it is not a shoe-in for FDA approval. Dangerous side effects can keep a drug off the market.