Health News

Processed Versus Unprocessed Foods
Achieving and maintaining an ideal weight is a challenge for most people. And while calorie counting has been a tried-and-true method for weight control, something else may be even better.
MS Drug Misses a Goal
Making a drug that works to fight several parts of a disease can be hard, especially for a mysterious illness like multiple sclerosis (MS). This is a problem that drugmaker Sanofi is currently dealing with.
Online Tool Offers Personalized Melanoma Options
Cathy, the heroine on The Big C should know about this. As a stage IV melanoma patient, she could use a free online tool to find the best treatment options for her individual case.
Most Sleep Problems Go Untreated
Sleep is a precious commodity, but for many, daytime fatigue can be a nightmare. About 90 percent of adults visiting a physician on any given day have sleep problems. Sleep apnea is probably to blame.
The Skinny Nut
There are many kinds of nuts, but there’s only one so-called "skinny nut” — pistachios. These nuts provide the most benefits with fewer calories.
Increasing Prostate Cancer Survival
With the introduction of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing, prostate cancers are detected at very early stages. Knowing how to best treat men with this disease has now advanced.
Every Body Can be Beautiful
It's not unusual to be unhappy with a large nose or muffin-top. People who binge eat, however, tend to focus more on appearance and are significantly more dissatisfied with their looks.
Eat More Protein to Eat Less Overall
Most Americans eat more food than they need. Consuming a protein-rich diet throughout the day, and especially in the morning, could help you feel more full without overeating.
Bone Loss Begins in Early MS
Bone loss is common in people who have had multiple sclerosis (MS) for a long time. Now, it seems like people who just found out they have MS may also have weaker bones.
The Longer Life Vitamin?
There's been a great deal of buzz lately surrounding Vitamin D. The so-called sunshine vitamin supports a number of health conditions. Scientists have added life to that list.