Health News

Diet Can Affect Genetic Macular Degeneration
Gradual vision loss as a result of macular degeneration is primarily determined by genetics. Lifestyle and diet changes may slow the progression of the chronic eye disease or reduce the severity, according to a new study of identical twins.
Asthma and Mom's Pregnancy Depression
Typical American families run on the unspoken motto, "If Mamma's not happy, then nobody's happy." Can a depressed, expecting mom distress the health of her unborn child?
Taming the Warriors
Think antibiotics are just for bacterial infections? Think again. Antibiotic medications have been used to battle cancer for six decades, but they have powerful side effects.
On Guard! For HPV with Gardasil
It only makes sense that, to eradicate a sexually-transmitted disease, both sexes need to be vaccinated prior to engaging in sexual activity, which would mean before puberty or early teens.
Forecasting Miscarriages
Even after achieving conception, women who've been through infertility treatments often experience fragile pregnancies. This can cause excessive anxiety and fear. Perhaps a newly developed test will put some of these fears to rest.
Cooling Cardiac Arrest Patients Ups Survival
A system of cooling then gradually re-warming cardiac arrest patients following resuscitation increases the outcomes. Yet the treatment remains underused.
Do-It-Yourself Breathing a Little Easier Now
Allergy relief is often a blessing for seasonal allergy sufferers, but ridding your home of irritating allergens can be a costly endeavor. HEPA filters can be very expensive.
Natural Supplements Reduce Stroke Risk
When it comes to preventative medicine, natural supplements are the gold standard. They have the ability to work without undesirable side effects. Now scientists believe that vitamin E might help prevent stroke damage.
Slow and Steady Wins the Milk Allergy Race
In "The Tortoise and the Hare," the tortoise's slow, steady pace won the race with the too-quick-to-assume victory hare. This slow and steady approach seems to help kids in outgrowing dairy allergies.
Stimulating Ovaries in Older Women
In vitro fertilization (IVF) techniques involve using Clomid and Parlodel -- drugs that stimulate the ovaries to release a large number of eggs for fertilization.