Health News

Indiana Brings Fruits and Vegetables To You
Fruits and vegetables provide important vitamins and nutrients for healthy development. Still, fresh produce can be very expensive. The state of Indiana may have found a solution.
Combat Cough Revisited
American veterans serving in Iraq and Afghanistan are coming home with more than honor and dignity. Our soldiers are coming home with a respiratory disease the government is calling Iraq-Afghanistan War Lung Injury (IAW-LI).
Returning From Cancer To Normal
Having an abnormal pap smear in which "precancerous cervical lesions" show up is frightening for women. How these patients are followed may soon become less rigorous. Screening recommendations for women treated for precancerous cervical lesions have changed.
Obesity and Smoking - Not a Good Combination
For girls, being obese isn't just a physical challenge. Carrying too many pounds can result in low self-esteem and depression, which in turn makes girls more vulnerable to addiction.
Explanation for Deadlier E. Coli Strain
Scientists have finally discovered an explanation for the greater virulence of the deadly strain of E. Coli that swept through Germany recently sickening thousands.
Lithium May Prevent Brain Damage from Parkinson's
Lithium has long been a useful drug for conditions such as bipolar disorder and cyclic major depression. Though used most often for mental illness, new research suggests the drug may have other uses.
End of the Road for Merck's MS Drug
It can be a long and tiring process to get a drug approved by the FDA. Sometimes, drug companies can make changes so that their drug gets the go-ahead. In other cases, the company will simply give up.
Smoking and Prostate Cancer
Smoking and lung cancer are known links. Now it's becoming clear that tobacco addiction significantly complicates the outlook for men diagnosed with prostate cancer.
Arthritis Drugs May Keep Diabetes at Bay
Even if a drug was meant to fight one disease, it often happens that the drug can protect patients against other health problems. This seems to be the case with some arthritis drugs.
The Drug Does the Job and Adds a Risk
All drugs have some sort of side effect. It's important to know what these side effects may be. Now, researchers are highlighting one possible risk for patients who are taking certain cholesterol drugs.