Healthy Eating and DietInfo Center

Washing Down Commercials with a Big Gulp
Watching TV has long been linked to snacking on the couch. But kids watching TV may be having more of another unhealthy item — sweetened drinks.
Working Out The Wobbly Knees
Muscle strength is key to helping wobbly knees become more stable. And you have to exercise to get that muscle strength. But whether or not the exercise focuses on the knees might not matter.
Weighing in on Weight Surgery
For obese patients with diabetes, surgery that promotes weight loss may improve blood glucose levels, blood pressure and cholesterol, but the long-term results are debatable.
Surgery May Cut Weight and Diabetes Risk
While losing weight through exercise and eating healthy can help people control diabetes, gastric bypass surgery can offer dramatic results for those with mild or moderate obesity.
Four Factors Pump Up Heart Health
When it comes to having a healthy heart and preventing build up of calcium deposits in the arteries, diet, exercise, maintaining normal weight and not smoking can make a big difference.
Veggie Eaters Live Longer, Study Says
Personal tastes determine what goes on many of our plates. But if longevity also is a concern, a new study suggests we’d fare better by dining on much less meat and many more vegetables.
Packing on the Baby Fat
Mom’s and dad’s habits, decisions and finances generally influence their offspring’s future. Childhood obesity, which is especially high among blacks and Latinos, also is a problem often shaped by parental choice and circumstance.
The Path to Work is a Social Thing
Group support can make or break healthy behaviors, even in commuting to work. Support for walking and biking to the job comes in a number of different forms.
Four Minutes to Good Health
With the busy schedules many Americans have adopted, little time may be left over to get fit. But five minutes may be all that's needed to improve their health.
Work Stress May Hinder Healthy Habits
People with stressful jobs may want to hit happy hour pretty hard, while less stressed workers may choose healthier options. Employers could help promote healthy habits.