Healthy Eating and DietInfo Center
Don’t Scratch that Itch, Starve it
Psoriasis is a disease of the skin. But for patients with psoriasis, the condition is much more than that. The unsightly patches can be embarrassing and affect day-to-day life.
Power of Calcium Keeps Women Living Long
Calcium helps maintain strong bones. But that's not the only benefit of this nutrient. New research suggests that calcium supplements may extend women's lives.
Women Eat Away Because of Abuse
Women who were abused while growing up may have a higher tendency for addictive relationships with food. This tendency could explain higher rates of obesity in abused women.
The Good, the Bad, and the 'Difficile'
There is such a thing as good bacteria. And they can be helpful when upset stomachs call for constant bathroom trips.
On the Road to Bariatric Success?
Bariatric surgery brings the benefit of extraordinary weight loss, but it also carries some health hazards. One risk is blood clots, which may be avoided through various methods, some more effective than others.
Fish Oil: Possible Stress Soother
The health benefits of fish oil have been unclear in the past. But it may be possible that fish oil simply promotes good blood flow in the face of mental stressors.
Fighting Diabetes with Fish Oil
Fish oil is a popular dietary supplement in the US. Taking fish oil supplements may have several benefits, including prevention of type 2 diabetes.
Even a Little Weight Loss May Help
Patients who have obstructive sleep apnea are at higher risk for a range of health concerns. If the patient is obese, one way to improve symptoms of sleep apnea may be to lose weight.
Looking for the Extra Chubby Toddlers
One health concern of parents today is child obesity. Knowing what children are at risk for being overweight can help parents discuss their concerns with their pediatrician.
Overfeeding Infants Linked to Obesity
Most moms urge kids to finish what they are served. But good intentions might not always translate into good outcomes.