Healthy Eating and DietInfo Center
Fighting Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
Most people with abdominal aortic aneurysms never experience any symptoms. If it ruptures, most die within minutes. Treatment of these aneurysms, if found, is very important.
When Peanuts Become Weapons
"Hey little Johnny! Want some peaaaaanutttts ? They're goooooood for you! Here, touch them!" Sounds like standard child teasing, right? Unless Johnny has a serious peanut allergy.
When the "Ugly Duckling" is Overweight
Most are familiar with pop culture's stereotypes when it comes to bullying. "The fat kid" always gets made fun of by other kids. But bullying is no laughing matter. A recent study found that the majority of teenagers getting treatment for their weight had been bullied.
Holiday Blues: Tips, Tricks and Triggers
Not everyone looks forward to the holidays. The desire to stay in bed or eat through plates of cookies can take over. But there are ways to avoid the holiday blues and enjoy the season.
Growing Up – and Growing Obese – with TV
More than 70 percent of children and teenagers have TVs in their bedrooms. But just having a TV in their rooms puts them at higher risk for becoming fat.
The Secret to Growing Old Gracefully
Just about everyone wants the secret to life. But they might settle for the secret to aging gracefully. One important key to successfully aging appear to be… growing older.
Slacking Off Snacking May Keep Cancer Away
No denying it – we love our snacks – even though overloading on them is overloading us. And while no one would be hurt by less snacking, some folks can do themselves a huge favor by taming their snack attacks.
Got (the Right Amount of) Milk?
Milk is that classic childhood drink that we always hear is good for kids' bones. That's partly true, but there's also a tradeoff in drinking milk. The drink is finding a happy medium.
Intense Lifestyle Change for Diabetes
A healthy diet and plenty of exercise are essential for managing type 2 diabetes. Now it looks like nutrition and exercise can even reverse this serious disease.
Relief for a Pain in the Neck
Forget the painkillers and steroid injections when it comes to chronic neck pain. The solution may be as easy as rolling out your yoga mat.