Health News

2012 Cancer Stats and Trends
A cancer diagnosis is no longer a death sentence. More people are living beyond cancer than ever before. That's the great news.
Finally Sleeping Soundly
The drug Ambien has established effectiveness at helping insomniacs, people who spend their nights trying to somehow charm their own body into giving up wakefulness. A new study finds that patients with primary insomnia are unlikely to escalate their dose.
Good Diet May Protect An Aging Brain
Older people may gain brain benefits from high levels of omega-3 fatty acids or vitamins B, C, D and E. High levels of trans-fats may mean worse mental abilities and more brain shrinkage.
Teen Tobacco and Alcohol use Down, Pot Still Hot
Many parents worry about their teenagers using drugs or alcohol. Although facts still support concern, a recent survey shows steady declines in alcohol consumption and cigarette use in recent years.
Outside Risk Factors for ADHD
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) causes kids who suffer from it to have difficulty focusing and controlling their impulses, which makes it difficult to do well in school and sometimes to get along socially.
Red or White? Or a Shot or a Pint?
Studies about potential health benefits of moderate wine consumption are everywhere - but new research questions whether wine is necessarily any "healthier" than beer or mixed drinks.
Do You Know Your Food Allergies?
Pediatric food allergies may be on the rise in children. To help better manage allergies and educate parents, allergists are taking a page from childhood asthma education.
Food Affects Your Genes and Your Jeans
MicroRNA are molecules that control genes - particularly the expression (presence) of genes. Recent research illustrates that a microRNA   involved in liver cancer might be a new way to treat the disease.
Let Sleeping Teens Lie
Teenagers with Type 1 diabetes may not be getting enough quality sleep, leading to higher blood sugar levels and academic and behavior problems.
Cholesterol Drugs Lower Prostate Cancer Risks
They are among the most commonly prescribed medications. Now researchers are learning that the health benefits of statins may not stop at lowering cholesterol.