Health News

Watch Out For More Powerful Painkillers
Powerful prescription painkillers like OxyCotin are among the most abused drugs in the United States. That's why plans for even more powerful pills have addiction experts worried.
Avoiding Brain Infection for MS Patients
Multiple sclerosis does its damage in a patient's brain, and that's where most drugs are targeted. But one drug holds the dangerous risk of a severe brain infection for some patients.
Cancer's "Cellular Orchestra Conductor"
Changes in cell biology are at the heart of cancer. Specifically, when our genes go off key, the cacophony of cancer blares. Scientists are now learning how these genes are reprogrammed.
Effects of Cancer
You know what cancer is, and the odds are good that someone you care about has been affected by the disease. But what does cancer do to the body?
How Reliable a Link?
Though men who have vascular erectile dysfunction appear to be at a higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease, that doesn't mean ED alone should be considered a risk factor.
Prevnar 13 Approved for New Age Category
Pfizer Inc. announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted approval of the Company’s pneumococcal conjugate vaccine Prevnar 13 ( Pneumococcal 13-valent Conjugate Vaccine [Diphtheria CRM197 Protein]) as a single dose for use in adults. Prevnar 13 is indicated for adults 50 years of age and older for active immunization for the prevention of pneumonia and invasive disease caused by the 13 Streptococcus pneumoniae (S. pneumoniae ) serotypes contained in the vaccine.
Five Food Trends for 2012
You are what you eat. It's a well-worn adage, but after the pre-packaged, convenience and fast food craze of post-WWII America we may finally be coming back to that realization: that what we put into our bodies matters greatly to our health. There is also ample evidence that what you eat affects your mood, emotions and mental health as well.
Bringing Order to Bipolar
Bipolar type I is serious and can be lethal if left untreated. And because of side effects and differences in personal biology, doctors need as many proven medications as possible in order to combat the disease.
PAD Treatments Not Equal
Peripheral artery disease patients may not be receiving the same quality of care, and some may be paying more for similar treatment, depending on the type of provider.
Weighing Down Life Before Colorectal Cancer
Obesity is a known risk factor for colorectal cancer. What has not been known, until now, is if and how the timing of the extra weight impacts life after diagnosis.