Health News

Teens, Get Tested for HIV
If you're a sexually active teen, your doctor should offer to test you for HIV at least once by the time you're 18. That's the new recommendation from the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Smoking Cessation Easier After Stroke
After a stroke some patients may find it easier to quit smoking. There may be a good reason for that. Smokers who intended to stop prior to the stroke and those who have a particular area of their brain damaged by stroke are more likely to quit.
Surgery for Snoring
Snoring is not only disruptive to a person's sleep - and his or her partner's as well. It is a sign of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a serious condition which can increase a person's risk of death.
Prognosis Predictor may Become New Target
After hearing the diagnosis, many cancer patients want to know the outlook. Scientists have discovered something that could help answer that question for most breast cancer patients.
Autism's DNA Identified
Brain overgrowth and an abnormal, excess number of neurons could be associated with the development of autism. Boys with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have a 67 percent excess of cortical cells, which are developed in the womb before birth.
Osteoporosis Tool Approved
A diagnostic tool for early assessment of osteoporosis has gained FDA approval. The device, called Sunlight MiniOmni, is already used in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.
Cancer Therapies Battle Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer that is confined to just the prostate is easier to treat than if it spreads to other parts of the body. New research shows combining two therapies can improve survival for advanced cancer that hasn't moved beyond the prostate.
Preventing the Aftershock of Stroke Injury
After a stroke it's common to suffer secondary damage in the days or weeks following the initial brain attack. A protein may be the key to preventing later damage to the brain.
Changing Perceptions: The Power of Autism
People with autism are known to have many developmental and cognitive delays, and often have trouble with speech and social interactions with others.
Preterm Birth Tied to Mom's Lack of Sleep
For a pregnant woman, good sleep is important for both her own health and the development of her growing baby. Not getting enough quality sleep, especially in the first and third trimesters, increases a woman's risk for delivering her baby preterm.