Health News

Adding Disease to Injury
Acute kidney injury, or the rapid loss of kidney function, is common in hospitalized diabetes patients. While an acute injury could mean death, it also can leave survivors with some long-term health problems.
Better Kid Munchies Lead to Healthier Adults
We all know that eating healthy is better for kids; more fruits, vegetables and fibers, combined with limiting fats and sugars, is better for growing bodies.
The Doctor is in, the Patient Isn't
If you have diabetes, making it to your regular doctor's appointments is extremely important. In fact, it could be the difference between good and bad outcomes. Yet some patients often miss their appointments.
OAB Associated with Metabolic Syndrome
If you have high blood pressure, high blood sugar, high cholesterol, or extra body weight around your middle, you are at a higher risk for overactive bladder.
Drinking Ups Breast Cancer Risks
Drinking small to moderate amounts of alcohol is considered healthy for your heart and your mind and the aging process. Yet this mild drinking increases breast cancer risks, according to a new study.
A Traumatic Life Could Lead to IBS
If you're used to hearing bad news during a life full of traumatic events, here's another piece of upsetting information: You may be at higher risk for adult irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
Manage Cholesterol at the Gym
Earlier this year, the optimum level for triglycerides was lowered from 150 mg/dL to 100 mg/dL. But doctors aren't suggesting drugs as the main tool to lower them. Instead they're suggesting lifestyle changes are in order.
Pills Could Save Millions
When it comes to saving money in hospitals, a key may be medication form. Switching hospitalized patients from IV drugs to pill versions of the same medications could result in saving millions.
Chemo Gets Predictable
Chemotherapy has worked for many patients suffering from cancer, but just how it worked was uncertain. A new way to profile cancer cells has given scientists a way to predict how successful chemo can be.
Is Your Child in Pain?
It's never easy to see a child in pain. It's even harder when a child has to undergo an operation – and then feels the resulting pain for weeks or months.